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Phytochemicals in Medicinal Plants: Biodiversity, Bioactivity and Drug Discovery

Jeenat Aslam, Dakeshwar Kumar Verma, Charu Arora, Pramod Kumar Mahish

Benefitting from phytochemicals in medicinal plants has lately gained increasingly more global relevance. The medicinal bioactivity might range from wound healing activity to anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. This work describes the challenging scientific process of systematic identification and taxonomy through molecular profiling and nanoparticle production from plant extracts until a final use for e.g. cancer or HIV treatment. From the table of contents
PART Biodiversity & Traditional Knowledge.
__Habitats and Distribution.
__Threats and Conservation.
__Culture, tradition and indigenous practices.
PART Phytochemical constituents - Molecules and Characterization Techniques.
__Alkaloids & Flavonoids.
__Tannin, Saponnin and Taxol.
__Terpenoids, Steroids and Phenolic Compounds.
__Essential oil and their constituents.
__Characterization Techniques used for the analysis of phytochemical constituents.
PART Medicinal Bioactivity.
__Anti-cancerous and Anti HIV activity.
__Anti-microbial, Anti-inflammatory and wound healing activity.
__Anti-oxidant activity.
__Anti-diabetic activity.
__Anti-Corona virus and anti-viral activity.
PART Nanotechnology.
__Nano-materials synthesis from medicinal plant extract.
__Characterization and activity of medicinal plant based nanoparticles.
PART Pharmacology/Drug discovery.
__Plant phytochemicals in drug discovery.
__Extraction and production of drugs.
__System pharmacology and drug discovery.


De Gruyter

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