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Health for Everyone: A Guide to Politically and Socially Progressive Healthcare

Zackary Berger

4.17(6 readers)
A guide to progressive healthcare packed full of actionable recommendations and a road map to a more inclusive and equitable future.

Health for A Guide to Politically and Socially Progressive Healthcare brings together experts across a range of healthcare and related disciplines to explore how we can make our healthcare system more progressive for groups that have been overlooked for too long. Rather than a health policy manual adopting a 30,000-foot view, this is a practical guide to start making healthcare more responsive, more patient-centered, and more community-led—right now, starting from present realities. Zackary Berger, a well-known primary care physician, activist, and bioethicist, has brought together teachers, clinicians, advocates, and researchers, to map the steps we need to take to provide better care to African American, Latinx, chronically ill, and disabled patients while improving the system overall for everyone

Health for Everyone answers questions such as how do you provide the same care to every individual, when individuals are different? How do you get ideal care when you are a member of a disadvantaged group? What if you have a chronic condition that tends to get the short end of the stick, for which treatment might not be available, or be stigmatized? Focusing on a practical, yet ethical and philosophical case for progressive health care, this book focuses on what matters most to patients and on the steps we need to take to insure better health for everyone.


Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Publication Date







About the Author

Portrait of author Zackary Berger
Zackary Berger
Zackary Berger, M.D., Ph.D., is a practicing primary care/internal medicine doctor and an Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where he teaches medical students and residents. He researches doctor-patient communication in the clinic and in the hospital to understand how our health care system can be made more responsive to ordinary people.

His first book, Talking to Your Doctor A Patient's Guide to Communication in the Exam Room and Beyond, is based on his expertise and the experience of his patients. His second book, Making Sense of Medicine, is meant to bridge imperfect medical evidence with the preferences of ordinary people.

Under the pen name Zackary Sholem Berger, he is also a poet, journalist, and translator in Yiddish and English. His Not in the Same Breath זאָג כאָטש להבֿדיל, a book of Yiddish and English poetry, followed the success of his Yiddish-language translations of beloved children's classics including Di Kats Der Payats The Cat In The Hat, Curious George in Yiddish George Der Naygeriker, and Eyn Fish Tsvey Fish Royter Fish Bloyer Fish One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish In Yiddish Yiddish Edition.

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