Reality Transurfing 4: Ruling Reality

Reality Transurfing 4: Ruling Reality

Vadim Zeland

4.32(516 readers)
Transurfing Reality was one of the top non-fiction bestsellers in the world in 2005 and 2006. Unknown till now in the West, the series has sold over 1,300,000 copies in Russia in three years. This translation (by Natasha Micharina) describes a new way of looking at reality, indeed of creating it. It provides a scientific explanation of the laws that help you do this, building up a scientific model, speaking in detail about particular rules to follow and giving important how-to tips, illustrated with examples. The author introduces a system of specific terms, notions, and metaphors, which together make a truly convincing, thought-provoking theory of creating your own life. “You are ruled by circumstances and it will always be like that until you learn how to manage your reality,” says the author. Bringing together the cutting edge of modern science and philosophical teaching, the book’s style is popular-scientific, metaphorical and conversational. Books in the Reality Transurfing 1: The Space of Variations; Reality Transurfing 2: A Rustle of Morning Stars; Reality Transurfing 3: Forward to the Past; Reality Transurfing 4: Ruling Reality; Reality Transurfing 5: Apples Fall to the Sky.


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About the Author

Vadim Zeland
Vadim Zeland
Vadim Zeland is a contemporary Russian mystic and writer. Little is known about Vadim Zeland. He states in his autobiography that he used to be a quantum mechanics physicist and later a computer technologist. He prefers not to become a well-known celebrity, shielding personal details. Zeland's main goal is to present a set of techniques which he calls "Transurfing of Realities" for the attainment of practical goals. These techniques are of a mental and metaphysical nature, which Zeland supports by presenting a model of the universe that combines the elements of quantum physics with the idea of parallel worlds. As Zeland states, the use of the techniques is not dependent on the acceptance of his theoretical model.

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