
How should one approach the study of Thomism to gain a comprehensive understanding of its principles and applications, and what are the essential qualities required for fruitful engagement with this philosophical tradition?

To gain a comprehensive understanding of Thomism, one should approach it holistically, considering its principles and applications in their entirety. This involves:

  1. Studying in its Organic Totality: Engage with the entire body of Thomas Aquinas's work, understanding the interconnectedness of his principles and how they apply across various disciplines.

  2. Loving Truth for Its Own Sake: Maintain an objective pursuit of truth, free from subjective biases or contemporary intellectual fashions.

  3. Docility to Aquinas: Approach his teachings with humility, recognizing his profound insights and the unique gifts God bestowed upon him.

  4. Humility and Prayer: Cultivate a spirit of humility and prayer, recognizing the complexity of truth and seeking divine guidance.

Essential qualities for fruitful engagement with Thomism include:

  • Intellectual Rigor: A commitment to rigorous thinking and logical analysis.
  • Openness to Truth: A willingness to consider and integrate new ideas while maintaining the core principles of Thomism.
  • Moral Virtue: A strong moral compass that aligns with the ethical teachings of Aquinas.
  • Spiritual Depth: A desire to understand the deeper philosophical and theological implications of Aquinas's work.