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The Thought of Jean-Louis Chrétien: Phenomenology, Fragility, and Excess

Jeffrey Bloechl

Jean-Louis Chrétien was a philosopher, poet and theologian with an abiding intellectual wish to intervene in modern thought and culture in the name of a spiritual tradition. In his work, this becomes the ready source of much needed enrichment, improvement or even outright correction for modern thinking. Celebrated for his erudition, style and persistence with a limited number of key themes, Chrétien was close to, and often influenced, scholars including Jean-Luc Marion, Michel Henry, Remi Brague and Jean-Yves Lacoste. This volume contains leading scholars in the field of philosophy, theology and poetics, including Chrétien's collaborators, successors, and Anglophone interpreters. They engage his work along its main lines, at once presenting it in summary fashion and exploring its strengths and weaknesses for our understanding of some of the topics and problems that held his prolonged attention, particularly the themes of fragility or vulnerability and excess or the absolute which appear in most of Chrétien's works.


Rowan & Littlefield Publishers

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