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Speaking the Truth in Love: The Catechism and the New Evangelization

Petroc Willey, Scott R. Sollom

4(1 readers)
It is now just over twenty-five years since the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is also more than thirty-five years since St. John Paul II called for a new evangelization to be characterized by a new ardor, a new expression, and new methods. The conviction common to the contributors in this volume is that the Catechism flows from just such an ardor.

Speaking the Truth in Love draws together a group of Catholic scholars and field practitioners to focus on the capacity of the Catechism to be a powerful point for the renewal of Christian catechesis, education, and culture through its reclamation of the Christian heritage, its explanatory power, and its compelling articulation of a civilization characterized by faith, hope, and love. A special focus of the book is how the Catechism provides a creative reference point for pedagogical renewal in the Church.

"Since the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1992, catechists and pastors of souls have discovered how it has served as a great instrument of the New Evangelization. We have awaited this volume as a mature reflection on its vital place in the hope expressed by St. John Paul II for a springtime of New Evangelization. In these pages you will find testimony on how, through the Catechism, this springtime is already taking shape."
—Most Rev. Mark Davies, Bishop of Shrewsbury, Province of Birmingham, England


Emmaus Academic

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