Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era―Opportunities and Challenges: Proceeding of 2022 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in the Digital World

Education in the Post-COVID-19 Era―Opportunities and Challenges: Proceeding of 2022 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in the Digital World

Ahmed Tlili, Saida Affouneh, Soheil Salha, Sameer Abu-Eisheh

This book offers authors’ practices, initiatives, and experiences in sustaining their education during the pandemic from different countries, contexts, and political situations. It provides a future prediction for the education system in the world due to the transformation that happened in the post-COVID-19 era. Each chapter of the book is expected to shed light on different countries describing their education system in the past, present, and future. The readers of the book will be able to learn, compare, and analyze the differences and similarities between the educations offered to learners around the world. The book also presents a new model of e-learning that will help learners, teachers, and educational systems to participate in achieving sustainable development goals. The book introduces several scenarios of types of learning and how to plan, design, and implement them in F2F and online environments.



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