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Understanding Barthes, Understanding Modernism

Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Zahi Zalloua, S.E. Gontarski, Laci Mattison, Paul Ardoin

4(1 readers)
Understanding Barthes, Understanding Modernism is a general assessment of the modern literary and philosophical contributions of Roland Barthes.

The first part of the volume focuses on work published prior to Barthes's death in 1980 covering the major periods of his development from Writing Degree Zero (1953) to Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography (1980). The second part focuses both on the posthumously published material and the legacies of his work after his death in 1980. This later work has attracted attention, for example, in conjunction with notions of the neutral, gay writing, and critiques of everyday life.

The third part is devoted to some of the critical vocabulary of Barthes in both the work he published during his lifetime, and that which was published posthumously.


Bloomsbury Academic

Publication Date







About the Author

Portrait of author Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Jeffrey R. Di Leo is Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English and Philosophy at the University of Houston–Victoria. He is editor and founder of the critical theory journal symplokē, editor and publisher of the American Book Review, and Executive Director of the Society for Critical Exchange.

Di Leo is a past member of the Modern Language Association Delegate Assembly (Teaching as Profession), and is the former president of the Society for Comparative Literature and the Arts.

He received a BA in Philosophy and Economics from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, and an MA in Philosophy, an MA in Comparative Literature, and a dual PhD in Philosophy and Comparative Literature from Indiana University, Bloomington. He has taught at Georgia Tech and the University of Illinois, Chicago.

Di Leo was born and raised in Vineland, New Jersey. He lives in Victoria, Texas with his wife, Nina, and their two sons.

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