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Haunted Words, Haunted Selves: Listening to Otherness within Western Thought

Colby Dickinson

We are all haunted by things we fear, repress, and those things of which we have no conscious knowledge. We are thus haunted by a variety of “ghosts” in our lives so that, at times, we might notice those things we have ignored, and so too allow the repressed elements of our world a chance to speak more directly to us. Being honest with ourselves means listening better to what haunts us, and to wrestle with our own ghosts, as humans have often claimed throughout history to wrestle with God. Recognizing how we are ceaselessly haunted by that which threatens to undo our representations of ourselves is what draws together a series of reflections in this book on how we will never be able to rid ourselves of such hauntings. By examining a series of “hauntings,” this study looks at what continues to haunt the field of continental philosophy, the various things that haunt our sovereign construction of ourselves, the church, our words and language in general, and even how our texts are endlessly haunted by the autobiographical “I” we are often taught to exclude from our writings.


Wipf and Stock Publishers

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