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Edspeak and Doubletalk: A Glossary to Decipher Hypocrisy and Save Public Schooling

Diane Ravitch, Nancy E Bailey

5(2 readers)
The debate over public schools has become highly politicized, featuring movements dedicated to privatizing public schools and diminishing teacher professionalism. People who had long treasured their local public schools are now being told that our nation's schools are "failing," that we are not preparing children for "the global economy." Many of these purveyors of doom and gloom are working to disrupt public schools and have created their own purposely deceptive vocabulary to assist their efforts. In this important book, Ravitch and Bailey decipher and demystify the new language of education. They describe the key terms and groups currently embroiled in the corporate fight besieging schools. EdSpeak and Doubletalk is an essential resource for anyone seeking to gain deeper awareness and understanding about the fight for public education. It is also an excellent text for any university class that deals with teaching, educational administration, and policymaking.

Book Features:

Guides readers through the thickets of jargon and hype that often become sales pitches to unwary consumers. Exposes organizations and programs that are branded with positive promotional names but are often harmful to the most disadvantaged students. Shines a light on the language related to practices that are seriously endangering democratic public schools and the teaching profession. Includes an online glossary of new terms that will be updated by the authors.


Teachers College Press

Publication Date







About the Author

Portrait of author Diane Ravitch
Diane Ravitch
Diane Ravitch is a Research Professor of Education at New York University, a historian of education, and a research professor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. She is the Founder and President of the Network for Public Education.
She was U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education from 1991-93.
She was married to Richard Ravitch from 1960 until they divorced in 1986.
She married Mary Butz in 2012.
Aside from her many books on education history and policy, Ravitch writes for The New York Review of Books and maintains an influential blog on education.

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