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Supernatural and Philosophy: Metaphysics and Monsters... for Idjits

William Irwin, Galen A. Foresman

3.86(163 readers)
No doubt the years hunting monsters and saving the universe have had their toll on the Winchesters, but their toughest and most gruesome battles are contained in this book. Think Lucifer was diabolically clever? Think again. No son is more wayward than the one who squanders his intellect and academic career pursuing questions as poignant as “Half-awesome? That’s full-on good, right?” Gathered here for the first time since the formation of Purgatory, a collection of research so arcane and horrific that it would make even the late, great Bobby Singer blush.Supernatural and Philosophy tackles all the big ideas in the long-running hit show Supernatural , covering thorny issues in a fun and accessible way. Even those unfamiliar with the show will find fascinating insights into Heaven, Hell, Angels, Demons, God, and Lucifer.



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About the Author

Portrait of author William Irwin
William Irwin
William Irwin is Professor of Philosophy at King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and is best known for originating the "philosophy and popular culture" book genre with Seinfeld and Philosophy: A Book about Everything and Nothing (1999) and The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer (2001).

Questions & Answers

"Supernatural" explores monsters as beings that challenge human sensibilities and values, often by threatening the sanctity of human life. The series examines the nature of monsters through various philosophical lenses, including essence, accident, and the sanctity of life.

Monsters are depicted as having both essential and accidental aspects. For example, a vampire's essential nature is its need for human blood, while its accidental aspects include its physical appearance and other characteristics. This reflects broader philosophical discussions on what defines a thing's essence, with monsters being defined by their relationship with humans and their threat to human values.

The sanctity of life is a central theme, as monsters often violate this sanctity. The Winchesters, the show's protagonists, struggle with the moral implications of killing monsters, reflecting broader philosophical debates on the ethics of taking a life, even in self-defense or to protect others.

The series also challenges the traditional view of monsters as purely evil, suggesting that some monsters, like reformed vampires, can retain their humanity. This reflects a broader philosophical discussion on the potential for redemption and the complexity of moral judgments.

The concept of free will is central to the lives of Sam and Dean Winchester. It underpins their identity and actions, particularly their role as hunters. Despite the series' frequent references to determinism and predestination, the brothers believe in their ability to make choices independently of external forces. This belief, or "Team Free Will," empowers them to resist their predetermined fates, such as being vessels for archangels Michael and Lucifer. Their commitment to free will influences their decisions, allowing them to take responsibility for their actions and shape their destinies. This narrative element adds depth to their character development and the show's exploration of moral responsibility and the nature of good versus evil.

The series "Supernatural" addresses the problem of evil and theodicy through various philosophical lenses. It presents a world filled with suffering, both supernatural and natural, which challenges the existence of a benevolent God. The characters, particularly Dean Winchester, grapple with the logical problem of evil, questioning how an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good God could allow such suffering.

Theodicies are introduced, such as free will, which suggests that God allows evil for the greater good of free will. However, the series also explores the evidential problem of evil, where the sheer amount of suffering in the world seems incompatible with the existence of a benevolent God. The natural order is considered, with the idea that humans are no different from other animals in the food chain, but this explanation is met with skepticism due to the ability of humans to empathize and minimize suffering.

The series also presents the soul-making theodicy, suggesting that suffering serves as a proving ground for souls to cultivate virtue. However, this is criticized for being unfair and potentially unjustified. Overall, "Supernatural" leaves the question of God's existence and theodicy open-ended, inviting viewers to consider their own beliefs and philosophical perspectives on suffering and evil.

"Supernatural" engages with political and social philosophy through various themes. Hobbesian Leviathan is evident in the series' depiction of the supernatural world as a state of nature, characterized by constant fear and conflict. The absence of a central authority, like God, leads to chaos among angels, demons, and humans, reflecting Hobbes' idea that a strong sovereign is necessary for order. The American Dream is critiqued through the characters' pursuit of normalcy, which is shown to be unattainable due to their supernatural lives. This mirrors the Marxist concept of alienation, where individuals are disconnected from their labor. Finally, the nature of sovereignty is explored through the characters' interactions with various rulers, like God, Lucifer, and Crowley, who each attempt to establish control over the supernatural world. The series questions the legitimacy and effectiveness of these rulers, highlighting the complexities of sovereignty and authority.

The series "Supernatural" challenges and reinforces traditional philosophical ideas in several ways. It challenges Cartesian dualism by presenting scenarios where the mind and body interact, like in demonic possession, suggesting a connection beyond the physical. Interactionist substance dualism is supported through characters like Castiel, who embodies both a physical and a spiritual form, blurring the lines between the material and immaterial.

The supernatural is explored through characters' experiences, like Sam and Dean Winchester, who navigate a world where the supernatural coexists with the natural. This challenges the nature of the supernatural by showing it's not always beyond the natural world, but can be intertwined with it. The series also questions the existence of God and theodicy, as seen through Dean's skepticism and the challenges he faces with evil and suffering. Overall, "Supernatural" uses its narrative and characters to engage with and reexamine classic philosophical concepts.

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