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Modern Religious Druidry: Studies in Paganism, Celtic Identity, and Nature Spirituality

Jonathan Woolley, Ethan Doyle White

Over the past three decades, the academic study of modern Paganism has gone from strength to strength. Scholars now have access to a plethora of studies available on such new religions as Wicca, Heathenry, and the Goddess Movement - but despite its prominence, modern Druidry has been much neglected. This book seeks to change that. This volume is interdisciplinary in basis, bringing together contributions from anthropologists, historians, and scholars of religion. It fundamentally deepens collective scholastic understandings of modern religious Druidry as an actor within the broader Pagan milieu. In addition to looking at the movement in various national contexts, the volume also explores thematic topics that have largely been neglected before. It will serve as a benchmark upon which all future studies of modern Druidry, as well as modern Paganism more widely, can draw upon, thereby making a particularly important and much-needed contribution to the field.


Palgrave Macmillan

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