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The Role of Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence in Education Improvement

Anand Nayyar, Mohd Naved, Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Justyna Żywiołek

This book is devoted to the issues faced by universities in the field of distance learning during and after COVID, as well as in digitalization times. The book devotes a lot of space to the issues of Web 3.0 in university e-learning, Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and digital equity. The aim and scope of this book is to draw a holistic picture of education before and after COVID, the psychological effects of COVID in education, and using modern technologies application in education, taking into consideration aspects of sustainability development, Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. The authors also raise the issue of artificial intelligence investigation in learner-instructor interaction. The book is both scientific and educational. It can be used at the university level and by anyone interested in the topics it covers.


Chapman and Hall/CRC

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