THE GREAT CLASSICS AND FICTION 100 AUTHORS, 220 BOOKS, 10 MILLION WORDS CATHOLIC WAY PUBLISHING — 220 180 Non-Fiction, 40 Fiction — 100 Authors; Over 5,500 Chapters — 10 Million Words in one E-Book — Includes an Active Index to all Sections and 68 Table of Contents for all Books — Includes 11,186 Active Linked Footnotes — Includes Original Images, Notes and Features — Includes Illustrations Large E-Book. Below is a partial list of Books. See Book Sample for full list of Books. A most comprehensive and well-researched anthology, comprised of both Non-Fiction Classics and Fiction in all genres from all over the world. Autobiography, Biography, Ancient, Philosophy, Essays, Poems, Religious, Drama, Romance, Satire, Tragedy, Fable, Scientific, Documents, Epic, Comedy. Drama, Classic, Crime/Detective, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Folklore, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humour, Legend, Mystery, Mythology, Science Fiction, Short Story, Suspense/Thriller. Together they cover every major literary figure, philosopher, religion, folklore and historical subject through the twentieth century. ——CLASSICS COLLECTION—— —RELIGIOUS— Confessions of St. Augustine & The Imitation of Christ The Divine Comedy by Dante Machiavelli, More I Promessi Sposi by Alessandro Manzoni Sacred Writings —AUTOBIOGRAPHY— The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The Journal of John Woolman, and the Fruits of Solitude by William Penn The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Walton’s Biographies of Donne and Herbert —ANCIENT— Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius Letters and Treatises of Cicero and Pliny Plutarch’s Lives —EPIC— Virgil’s Aeneid The Odyssey of Homer Stories from The Thousand and One Nights Folklore and Fable, Aesop, Grimm, Anderson Epic and Saga —DRAMA— Complete Elizabethan Drama Nine Greek Dramas Modern English Drama Continental Drama —POETRY— Complete English Chaucer to Whitman The Complete Poems of John Milton The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns Johann Wolfgang von Goethe & Christopher Marlowe —LITERARY— Don Quixote, Part 1 by Miguel Cervantes Two Years Before the Mast Voyages and Travels Chronicle and Romance —ESSAYS— Essays by Milton Essays and English Traits by R.W. Emerson English Sidney to MacAulay Essays English and American Literary and Philosophical Essays Thomas Carlyle Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books —PHILOSOPHY— The English Philosopher of the 17th Century French Philosopher, Descartes Edmund Burke —HISTORICAL— An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations American Historical Documents —SCIENTIFIC— Scientific Papers by Faraday, Helmholtz, Kelvin, Newcomb, etc Scientific Papers by Harvey, Jenner, Lister, Pasteur ——FICTION COLLECTION—— &l