Full size book cover of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology}

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology

T. Poongodi, Yichuan Wang, Agbotiname Lucky Imoize, R.Lakshmana Kumar

This book explores the concepts and techniques of IoT, AI, and blockchain. Also discussed is the possibility of applying blockchain for providing security in various domains. The specific highlight of this book is focused on the application of integrated technologies in enhancing data models, better insights and discovery, intelligent predictions, smarter finance, smart retail, global verification, transparent governance, and innovative audit systems. The book allows both practitioners and researchers to share their opinions and recent research in the convergence of these technologies among academicians and industry people. The contributors present their technical evaluation and compare it with existing technologies. Theoretical explanation and experimental case studies related to real-time scenarios are also included. This book pertains to IT professionals, researchers and academicians working on fourth revolution technologies.



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