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Autonomous Driving Network

Yong Zhang, Yijun Yu, Wenshuan Dang, River Huang

Aiming to outline the vision of realizing automated and intelligent communication networks in the era of intelligence, this book describes the development history, application scenarios, theories, architectures, and key technologies of Huawei's Autonomous Driving Network (ADN) solution. In the book, the authors explain the design of the top-level architecture, hierarchical architecture (ANE, NetGraph, and AI Native NE), and key feature architecture (distributed AI and endogenous security) that underpin Huawei's ADN solution. The book delves into various key technologies, including trustworthy AI, distributed AI, digital twin, network simulation, digitization of knowledge and expertise, human-machine symbiosis, NE endogenous intelligence, and endogenous security. It also provides an overview of the standards and level evaluation methods defined by industry and standards organizations, and uses Huawei's ADN solution as an example to illustrate how to implement AN. This book is an essential reference for professionals and researchers who want to gain a deeper understanding of automated and intelligent communication networks and their applications.


CRC Press

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