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Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5: The Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart City Applications

Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Anouar Abdelhakim Boudhir, İsmail Rakıp Karas, Vipul Jain, Sehl Mellouli

This book sets the innovative research contributions, works, and solutions for almost all the intelligent and smart applications in the smart cities. The smart city concept is a relevant topic for industrials, governments, and citizens. Due to this, the smart city, considered as a multi-domain context, attracts tremendously academics researchers and practitioners who provide efforts in theoretical proofs, approaches, architectures, and in applied researches. The importance of smart cities comes essentially from the significant growth of populations in the near future which conducts to a real need of smart applications that can support this evolution in the future cities.
The main scope of this book covers new and original ideas for the next generations of cities using the new technologies. The book involves the application of the data science and AI, IoT technologies and architectures, smart earth and water management, smart education and E-learning systems, smart modeling systems, smart mobility, and renewable energy. It also reports recent research works on big data technologies, image processing and recognition systems, and smart security and privacy.



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