Nuclear Materials: An Overview

Nuclear Materials: An Overview

Haydee Domenech

This book reviews the critical scope of nuclear materials, which play an essential role in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. It traces historical landmarks from the years preceding World War II to the atomic bomb era. Key topics covered include the concept of nuclear materials and their connection to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the steps of the nuclear fuel cycle, and advanced reactor technologies. Additionally, the book addresses safety and security considerations, including radioactive waste and spent fuel management. Through this comprehensive exploration, readers can gain insights into the intricate world of nuclear materials, their impact on global security, and the path toward sustainable energy solutions.


CRC Press

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Nuclear materials originate from naturally occurring radioactive elements like uranium and thorium, and can be artificially produced. They are used in nuclear reactors to generate electricity, with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. The nuclear fuel cycle includes mining, enrichment, fuel fabrication, and spent fuel management.

Nuclear materials contribute to sustainable energy by providing a stable and low-carbon power source. They help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also pose challenges like radioactive waste management. Advanced reactors and fuel recycling technologies aim to mitigate these challenges, enhancing nuclear energy's role in sustainable energy solutions.

The nuclear fuel cycle begins with mining and processing uranium ore, followed by conversion to uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for enrichment. Enriched uranium is then fabricated into fuel rods and used in reactors to generate electricity. Spent fuel, containing radioactive elements, is stored temporarily in pools or dry casks at the reactor site. Challenges include high radioactivity, long-term storage, and disposal. Solutions include reprocessing spent fuel to recover uranium and plutonium, and storing or disposing of waste in deep geological repositories. Advanced reactors and fuel recycling technologies aim to reduce waste and improve fuel efficiency. However, challenges remain in waste management, including the need for long-term storage solutions and the potential for proliferation concerns.

Safety and security in the nuclear fuel cycle are paramount due to the risks associated with handling radioactive materials. Key considerations include radiation protection, criticality safety, industrial safety, and nuclear security. To address these, facilities must adhere to strict regulations and guidelines set by national and international organizations like the IAEA and NEA.

Design and operation of nuclear reactors incorporate multiple safety systems, structures, and components to control the reactor core, prevent accidents, and mitigate consequences. This includes:

  • Radiation Safety: Ensuring workers and the public are protected from radiation exposure through proper shielding, monitoring, and waste management.
  • Criticality Safety: Preventing unintended nuclear chain reactions through careful control of fuel mass, geometry, and neutron flux.
  • Nuclear Safety: Implementing risk assessments, quality assurance programs, and emergency response plans to manage potential accidents and their consequences.
  • Security: Preventing unauthorized access and actions against nuclear materials and facilities through physical protection, cybersecurity, and information security measures.

The "defense-in-depth" concept is applied, using multiple layers of protection to ensure safety and security. This includes passive safety systems, redundancy, diversity, and independence principles. Safety culture is also emphasized, with a focus on continuous improvement and employee involvement in safety practices.

Nuclear reactors have evolved significantly since their inception. Initially, reactors were designed for military purposes, like the Manhattan Project's development of the atomic bomb. Post-WWII, the focus shifted to peaceful applications, leading to the first commercial reactors. These were primarily light water reactors (LWRs), like PWRs and BWRs, which use water as both coolant and moderator.

Current trends in advanced nuclear reactor technologies include:

  1. Generation IV reactors: These reactors aim to improve efficiency, safety, and reduce waste. They include gas-cooled fast reactors (GFR), lead-cooled fast reactors (LFR), molten salt reactors (MSR), sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR), supercritical-water-cooled reactors (SCWR), and very high-temperature reactors (VHTR).

  2. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs): These are smaller, modular reactors designed for easier construction and operation. They can be factory-built and transported, making them suitable for remote locations or areas with limited infrastructure.

  3. Advanced fuels: Innovations like TRISO fuel and extruded metallic fuel are being developed to improve safety, increase burnup, and reduce proliferation risks.

  4. Passive safety systems: Advanced reactors are incorporating more passive safety features, which rely on natural forces to maintain safety, reducing the need for active systems that require external power.

Future trends include further development of these technologies, with a focus on reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and enhancing safety and proliferation resistance. Advanced reactors are expected to play a crucial role in achieving carbon neutrality and addressing climate change.

The management and disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear reactors present significant challenges and opportunities:


  1. High Radioactivity: Radioactive waste is highly radioactive, posing risks to human health and the environment.
  2. Long Half-Life: Many radionuclides have long half-lives, necessitating long-term storage and monitoring.
  3. Volume: The volume of waste is substantial, requiring large storage facilities.
  4. Safety: Ensuring the safety of waste storage and disposal is critical to prevent environmental contamination.
  5. Cost: The cost of waste management and disposal is high and continues over long periods.


  1. Advanced Reactors: Advanced reactors can reduce waste volume and toxicity, offering more efficient fuel cycles.
  2. Reprocessing: Reprocessing spent fuel can recover valuable materials and reduce waste volume.
  3. Deep Geologic Repositories: Deep repositories can safely store waste for thousands of years.
  4. International Cooperation: Global collaboration can share expertise and resources for waste management.
  5. Technological Innovation: Advances in technology can improve waste treatment and disposal methods.

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