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Children’s Literature and Old Norse Medievalism

David Clark

This book explores the ways in which contemporary authors respond to and rework key aspects of Old Norse history and viking culture for young twenty-first-century audiences. Why are contemporary authors and audiences so manifestly attracted to the viking past? In what ways do writers respond to Norse sources? How do the narratives they tell reflect our beliefs about and desires for the past, our constructions of childhood and adolescence, our anxieties around gender, sexuality, and ethnicity? How do these texts engage with a future occluded by apocalyptic ecological threat? David Clark explores these questions through readings of a rich body of diverse material which retells, updates, and transforms Norse culture. The volume contextualizes Norse medievalism and explores how thematic foci on gender, sexuality, disability, and ethnicity relate to contemporary concerns around these topics, and the construction of childhood.


Arc Humanities Press

Publication Date







About the Author

Portrait of author David Clark
David Clark
Librarian Note: There is more than one author by this name in the Goodreads database.
David Clark is an american author who is both traditionally and independently published. His works span the horror, thriller, and science fiction genres and includes the international bestselling paranormal series “The Ghosts of Miller’s Crossing”.

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