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Smart Education and e-Learning―Smart University: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Smart Education and e-Learning (KES SEEL-2023)

Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett, Vladimir L. Uskov

This book contains the contributions presented at the 10th international KES conference on Smart Education and e-Learning (SEEL-2023) with the Smart University as the main conference theme. The conference is being held on June 14-16, 2023 in Rome, Italy in both in-person and online modes. The book contains high quality peer-reviewed papers that are grouped into several interconnected Part 1 – Smart Education, Part 2 – Smart e-Learning, Part 3 – Smart University, Part 4 – Smart Case Studies and Research, and Part 5 – Smart Case Studies and Research. Smart education, smart e-learning, smart universities and smart companies are emerging and rapidly growing areas with the potential to transform the existing teaching strategies, learning environments, and educational/training activities and technology in academic institutions and training centers. Smart education/training and smart e-learning are focused on enabling instructors/trainers to develop innovative ways of achieving excellence in teaching in highly technological smart classrooms/labs, and providing students/learners with new opportunities to maximize their success and select the best options for their education/training, location and learning style, as well as the mode of content delivery. This book serves as a useful source of research data and valuable information on current research projects, best practices and case studies for faculty, scholars, Ph.D. students, administrators, and practitioners – all those who are interested in smart education, smart e-learning, smart university and smart business/company paradigms, concepts, systems and technology.



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