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La Fiammetta

Giovanni Boccaccio

3.39(214 readers)
Giovanni Boccaccio is best known for the Decameron begun in 1530. The Decameron is a series of 100 Italian novellas in two volumes. These medieval stories are best known for their lively romances. There are stories with practical jokes, stories of wit, and stories of worldly clergy and their lack of morals. Many writers have used The Decameron as a source for their works. While writing the Decameron, Boccaccio was in love with the Lady Maria. She was in Naples and he missed her greatly. La Fiammetta was the affectionate nickname he gave Maria. There is no evidence that Boccaccio was ever more than a friend for Maria, but his passion for her was written about in several of his works.


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About the Author

Portrait of author Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 – 21 December 1375) was an Italian author and poet, a friend and correspondent of Petrarch, and an important Renaissance humanist in his own right and author of a number of notable works including the Decameron, On Famous Women, and his poetry in the Italian vernacular. Boccaccio is particularly notable for his dialogue, of which it has been said that it surpasses in verisimilitude that of just about all of his contemporaries, since they were medieval writers and often followed formulaic models for character and plot.

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