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Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XIX

Donald J. Kagay, Michael John Harbinson, Fabrizio Ansani, Dr. Konstantinos Takirtakoglou, Dr. Evgeniy Gurinov, Kelly DeVries, John France, David Pilling, Michael Blundell, Matthew Strickland, Clifford J. Rogers

The leading academic vehicle for scholarly publication in the field of medieval warfare. Medieval Warfare

The articles here focus on activities in north-western Europe, with a reconsideration of the location of the battle of Stamford Bridge (1066), an examination of the role of open battles in the civil wars of the Anglo-Norman and Angevin kings, a re-assessment of the strategy of Edward I's war against Philip IV in 1297-98, and an analysis of the role of cavalry "coureurs" in late-medieval France. But regions further to the south and east are by no means neglected, with a dissection of the military rhetoric of Pere III of Aragon and his queen, Elionor of Sicily, and a discussion of the earliest European gunpowder recipes, from Friuli (1336) and Augsburg (1338- c. 1350). The volume also offers studies of the campaigns culminating in the battles of Firad in 634 and Qinnasrīn in 1134.


Boydell Press

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