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Emerging Contours of the Medium, The: Literature and Mediality

Patricia Pisters, Richard Müller

The Emerging Contours of the Medium e xplores a crucial aspect of media thinking, focusing particularly on the 'mediality' of literature, a medium that remains today on the margins of the theoretical discussion of media.

Even though interest in the technological and media aspects of literature has been slowly building momentum in the past several decades, from comparative perspectives to written culture to new media, the concept of the medium has not informed this process, and its systematic integration into literary studies has never been effectively carried out. Nor has the specific mediality of literature been successfully integrated into the general concept of media/lity in media science. Contributors to this work provide both an explanation of and solution to this mutual blindness, setting out from the What are the conditions for elaborating a media-theoretical framework in which to situate literature as a medium?

The Emerging Contours of the Medium , available for the first time in English, is divided into three parts, which correlate to the three main research areas of the principles for a media theory of literature. Part I develops a perspective of the (pre)history of media thinking, grounding the principles of the genealogical integration. Part II concentrates on and develops the related perspectives of media philosophy and media anthropology. Part III's main focus is the way media – as dispositifs interlinking the parameters of perception and communication – provide the ground for making emergent media phenomena visible, whether it be between media (in their mutual synergy or discrepancies), between media artefacts, or between human and apparatus.


Bloomsbury Academic

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