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Propositions in the Making: Experiments in a Whiteheadian Laboratory

Roland Faber, Andrew M. Davis, Brian Massumi, Brianne Donaldson, James Burton, Diego Gil, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Matthew Goulish, Erin Manning, Andrew Murphie, Tim Murphy, Aj Nocek, Michael Halewood

How do we make ourselves a Whiteheadian proposition? This question exposes the multivalent connections between postmodern thought and Whitehead’s philosophy, with particular attention to his understanding of propositions.

Edited by Roland Faber, Michael Halewood, and Andrew M. Davis, Propositions in the Making articulates the newest reaches of Whiteheadian propositions for a postmodern world. It does so by activating interdisciplinary lures of feeling, living, and co-creating the world anew. Rather than a “logical assertion,” Whitehead described a proposition as a “lure for feeling” for a collectivity to come. It cannot be reduced to the verbal content of logical justifications, but rather the feeling content of aesthetic valuations. In creatively expressing these propositions in wide relevance to existential, ethical, educational, theological, aesthetic, technological, and societal concerns, the contributors to this volume enact nothing short of “a Whiteheadian Laboratory.”


Lexington Books

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