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Cyber Security Intelligence and Analytics: The 4th International Conference on Cyber Security Intelligence and Analytics

Xiaolu Zhang, Zheng Xu, Saed Alrabaee, Octavio Loyola-González, Niken Dwi Wahyu Cahyani, Nurul Hidayah Ab Rahman

This book presents the outcomes of the 2022 4th International Conference on Cyber Security Intelligence and Analytics (CSIA 2022), an international conference dedicated to promoting novel theoretical and applied research advances in the interdisciplinary field of cyber-security, particularly focusing on threat intelligence, analytics, and countering cyber-crime. The conference provides a forum for presenting and discussing innovative ideas, cutting-edge research findings and novel techniques, methods and applications on all aspects of cyber-security intelligence and analytics. Due to COVID-19, authors, keynote speakers and PC committees will attend the conference online.



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