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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Applications: From Big Data to Small Data

J. Paulo Davim, Diego Carou, Antonio Sartal

This book presents the tools used in machine learning (ML) and the benefits of using such tools in facilities. It focus on real life business applications, explaining the most popular algorithms easily and clearly without the use of calculus or matrix/vector algebra. Replete with case studies, this book provides a working knowledge of ML current and future capabilities and the impact it will have on every business. It demonstrates that it is also possible to carry out successful ML and AI projects in any manufacturing plant, even without fully fulfilling the five V (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value) usually associated with big data. This book takes a closer look at how AI and ML are also able to work for industrial area, as well as how you could adapt some of the standard tips and techniques (usually for big data) for your own needs in your SME. Organizations which first understand these tools and know how to use them will benefit at the expense of their rivals.



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