Dina Iordanova is a global traveller. The current book, a labour of love, was conceived during one of her many visits to Paris, where she has been returning all over again for more than two decades. Although she has not yet managed to relocate herself physically, she is moving in her heart and soul s direction, with short spells for time out in other favourite places, like Istanbul and Hong Kong. Originally from a cinéphile family, she first studied Philosophy before running away from theory to indulge her passion for Cinema. Dina is the author, co-author and editor of many works, including: BFI Companion to Russian and Eastern European Cinema (1999), Cinema of Flames (2001), Emir Kusturica (2002), Cinema of the Other Europe (2003), Cinema of the Balkans (2006), The Film Festival Circuit (2009), Cinema at the Periphery (2010), Moving People, Moving Images (2010), Film Festivals and Imagined Communities (2010), Film Festivals and East Asia (2011), Film Festivals and Activism (2012), Digital Disruption (2012), Film Festival Reader (2013), Film Festivals and the Middle East (2014) and of many articles and chapters. She is Professor of Film Studies, and Director of the Institute for Global Cinema and Creative Cultures at the ancient University of St Andrews in Scotland, where she established the Film Studies programme in 2004.