Portrait of author Linda Williams

Linda Williams

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Linda Williams teaches courses on popular moving-image genres (pornography, melodrama, and “body genres” of all sorts). She has recently taught courses on Oscar Micheaux and Spike Lee, Luis Bunuel, David Lynch and Pedro Almodovar, melodrama, film theory, selected “sex genres,” and The Wire. Her books include a psychoanalytic study of Surrealist cinema, Figures of Desire (1981), a co-edited volume of feminist film criticism (Re-vision, 1984), an edited volume on film spectatorship, Viewing Positions (1993) and Reinventing Film Studies (co-edited with Christine Gledhill, 2000). In 1989 she published a study of pornographic film entitled Hard Core: Power, Pleasure and the Frenzy of the Visible (second edition 1999). This study of moving-image pornography looks seriously at the history and form of an enormously popular genre. She has also edited a collection of essays on pornography, Porn Studies, featuring work by many U.C. Berkeley graduate students (Duke, 2004). More recently she published Screening Sex (Duke, 2008), a history of the revelation and concealment of sex at the movies. In 2001 Williams published Playing the Race Card: Melodramas of Black and White, from Uncle Tom to O.J. Simpson (2001, Princeton)–an analysis of racial melodrama spanning the 19th and 20th centuries of American culture. Her most recent book is On The Wire (Duke 2014), a study of the HBO television serial.

Books by Linda Williams

Playing the Race Card: Melodramas of Black and White from Uncle Tom to O. J. Simpson

Playing the Race Card: Melodramas of Black and White from Uncle Tom to O. J. Simpson

Linda Williams

The Philosophy of Documentary Film: Image, Sound, Fiction, Truth

The Philosophy of Documentary Film: Image, Sound, Fiction, Truth

David LaRocca, Timothy Corrigan, Diana Allan, Rick Altman, Ariella Azoulay, Mieke Bal, Noël Carroll, Stanley Cavell, Gregory Currie, William Day, Keith Dromm, K. L. Evans, Michael Fried, Elan Gamaker, Dan Geva, Tom Gunning, Erika, Werner Herzog, Karen D. Hoffman, Selmin Kara, Scott MacDonald, Jennifer L. McMahon author of The Philosophy of Tim Burton, Bill Nichols, Claudia Pederson, V.F. Perkins, Carl Plantinga, William Rothman, Vivian Sobchack, Lars von Trier, Thomas Vinterberg, Charles Warren, Bernadette Wegenstein, Linda Williams, Patricia R. Zimmermann

Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, New and Expanded Edition

Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, New and Expanded Edition

Jim Leach, Bill Nichols, William Rothman, Seth Feldman, Joanne Hershfield, Vivian Sobchack, William Guynn, Frank P. Tomasulo, Charlie Keil, Thomas Waugh, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis, Jeanne Hall, Robert Stam, Bart Testa, Jeffrey K. Ruoff, Joan Nicks, Carl Plantinga, Lucy Fischer, Book Review Editor Anthony Kinik, Linda Williams, Matthew Bernstein, Sheila Petty, Caryl Flinn, Chuck Kleinhans, Virginia Bonner, Leshu Torchin, Paula J. Massood, David T. Johnson, John R. Cook, Diane Scheinman, Barry Keith Grant, Jeannette Sloniowski

Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, New and Expanded Edition

Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video, New and Expanded Edition

Jim Leach, Bill Nichols, William Rothman, Seth Feldman, Joanne Hershfield, Vivian Sobchack, William Guynn, Frank P. Tomasulo, Charlie Keil, Thomas Waugh, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis, Jeanne Hall, Robert Stam, Bart Testa, Jeffrey K. Ruoff, Joan Nicks, Carl Plantinga, Lucy Fischer, Book Review Editor Anthony Kinik, Linda Williams, Matthew Bernstein, Sheila Petty, Caryl Flinn, Chuck Kleinhans, Virginia Bonner, Leshu Torchin, Paula J. Massood, David T. Johnson, John R. Cook, Diane Scheinman, Barry Keith Grant, Jeannette Sloniowski
