Portrait of author Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida

Jacques Derrida was the founder of “deconstruction,” a way of criticizing not only both literary and philosophical texts but also political institutions. Although Derrida at times expressed regret concerning the fate of the word “deconstruction,” its popularity indicates the wide-ranging influence of his thought, in philosophy, in literary criticism and theory, in art and, in particular, architectural theory, and in political theory. Indeed, Derrida's fame nearly reached the status of a media star, with hundreds of people filling auditoriums to hear him speak, with films and televisions programs devoted to him, with countless books and articles devoted to his thinking. Beside critique, Derridean deconstruction consists in an attempt to re-conceive the difference that divides self-reflection (or self-consciousness). But even more than the re-conception of difference, and perhaps more importantly, deconstruction works towards preventing the worst violence. It attempts to render justice. Indeed, deconstruction is relentless in this pursuit since justice is impossible to achieve.

Books by Jacques Derrida

Reader in Comedy: An Anthology of Theory and Criticism

Reader in Comedy: An Anthology of Theory and Criticism

Magda Romanska, Alan Ackerman, Plato, Aristotle, Horatius, Quintilian, Evanthius, Donatus, Hrotsvita, Dante Alighieri, John of Garland, John Lydgate, John of Salisbury, Pope Honorius III, Liudprand of Cremona, Erasmus, Gian Giorgio Trissino, Thomas Elyot, Nicholas Udall, Thomas Wilson, George Gascoigne, Stephen Gosson, Philip Sidney, Ben Jonson, Battista Guarino, Samuel Butler, Molière, William Congreve, John Dryden, Aphra Behn, Jeremy Collier, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Richard Blackmore, Henry Fielding, Samuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith, Immanuel Kant, Jean Paul Friedrich Richter, William Hazlitt, Charles Lamb, Søren Kierkegaard, William Makepeace Thackeray, Charles Baudelaire, George Meredith, George Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, Henri Bergson, Sigmund Freud, Luigi Pirandello, Virginia Woolf, Constance Rourke, Kenneth Burke, Susanne K. Langer, Georges Bataille, Northrop Frye, Jacques Derrida, Mikhail Bakhtin, René Girard, Gerald Mast, Stanley Cavell, Mahadev L. Apte, Linda Hutcheon, Henry Jenkins, Simon Critchley, Glenda R. Carpio, Michael North, Ruth Wisse

Perjury and Pardon, Volume II

Perjury and Pardon, Volume II

Jacques Derrida, David Wills, Ginette Michaud, Nicholas Cotton, Rodrigo Therezo

Perjury and Pardon, Volume II

Perjury and Pardon, Volume II

Jacques Derrida, David Wills, Ginette Michaud, Nicholas Cotton, Rodrigo Therezo

Hospitality, Volume I

Hospitality, Volume I

Jacques Derrida, E. S. Burt, Pascale-Anne Brault, Peggy Kamuf

Theory and Practice

Theory and Practice

Jacques Derrida, David Wills, Geoffrey Bennington, Peggy Kamuf

Life Death

Life Death

Jacques Derrida, Pascale-Anne Brault, Michael Naas, Peggy Kamuf

Thinking Out of Sight: Writings on the Arts of the Visible

Thinking Out of Sight: Writings on the Arts of the Visible

Jacques Derrida, Joana Masó, Ginette Michaud, Javier Bassas, Laurent Milesi

Perjury and Pardon, Volume I

Perjury and Pardon, Volume I

Jacques Derrida, David Wills, Ginette Michaud, Nicholas Cotton

Hospitality, Volume I

Hospitality, Volume I

Jacques Derrida, E. S. Burt, Pascale-Anne Brault, Peggy Kamuf

Hospitality, Volume II

Hospitality, Volume II

Jacques Derrida, Peggy Kamuf, Pascale-Anne Brault